Friday, December 16, 2011


4 Personal history
فتحي كامل هلال male patient, 55 years old, from Cairo, has 3 off spring, the youngest is 3 years old, manual worker, no special habits of medical importance, Rt. handed.

4 c/o
Heaviness of both lower limbs of 22 years duration.

The condition started 22 years ago when he fell from a height of 3 meters on his back. At 1st the patient suffered from complete paralysis of both lower limbs with flaccidity and girdle pain at the level of the umbilicus increased by work, coughing, sneezing relieved by rest. Then the patient was admitted to hospital and investigated by X-ray with contrast and Exploratory operation was done.

        4 weeks later, the patient experienced  gradual onset, progressive course of weakness associated with stiffness, with no wasting or twitches. This weakness was  distal more than proximal, in the abductor muscles more than adductors, in  flexor more than extensors with no involuntary movements. This weakness was associated with diminished sensation in both lower limbs and  the patient felt as if he walks on cotton.

No symptoms of sphincteric affection.
No symptoms of increased I.C.T.
No symptoms of speech disorders.
No symptoms suggesting other system affection.

4 Past history
-    No past history of fever, bilharziasis , drugs or operations.

4 Family history
-          No similar condition in family.
-          No consanguinity.
-         No common disease in family.
4 General exam
-          Temperature: 37.2o c.
-          Bl. Pressure: 130/70.
-          Pulse: regular, 70 beat/minute, average volume, no special character, vessel wall not felt, equal in both sides with intact  peripheral pulsation.
-          Mentality: The patient is fully conscious, well oriented for time, place and person. Average mood and memory. The patient is co-operative with average intelligence.

4 Examination of Speech: Normal.
4 Examination of Cranial Nerves: Normal.
4 Examination of Motor System :
4 Inspection__
-    There is extension in both lower limbs(paraplegia in extension ).
-    No skeletal abnormalities, no trophic changes, no involuntary movement no muscle wasting.

4 Examination of Tone__
-          There is normal tone in both upper limbs .
-          Bilateral asymmetrical  Hypertonia in  lower  limbs in the form of spasticity affecting antigravity muscles. it is  more on Lt. lower limb (suggesting UMNL).

 4 Percussion__
No fasciculation or myotonia.

4 Examination of Muscle Power
-    There is normal muscle power in both upper limbs,
-    Bilateral asymmetrical Weakness in lower limbs. It is distal more than proximal, abductors more than adductors, flexors more than extensors. It is  more on Lt. lower limb.

4 Coordination
Coordination cannot be examined on both lower limbs because of weakness.
Normal coordination in both upper limbs confirmed by finger to nose, finger to finger, finger to doctor's finger in both eye opening and eye closure.

4 Reflexes
-          There is normoreflexia in both upper limbs.
-          In Both lower limbs: hyperreflexia with +Ve pathological reflexes (Patellar, Adductor), no ankle or patellar clonus.
-          +ve Babniski on both sides.
-          Abdominal reflex : lost below the level of the umbilicus .
4 Sensory:
-         Superficial sensations: Sensory Level at T10.
-         Deep sensation: lost
-         Cortical sensation : can't be examined in both lower limbs.
4 Back: Scar of exploration at the level of T7.
4 Gait: Scissoring gait.
4 No affection in other system examination.

4 Investigation
-          Plain X-Ray , Myelography .

4 Treatment

4 Diagnosis :

Organic Paraplegia Of Spinal Focal Compression Type. It's due to Extramedullary lesion at the level of T10. The patient is in the  spastic stage (in Extension).

4 Paraplegia (UMNL Bilateral Δ ) : Affect both L.L. + Organic
  1. Hypertonia in antigravity + spasticity.
  2. Muscle Weakness: distal, progravity, abductors.
  3. Hyperreflexia + pathological reflexes.
  4. +Ve Babniski in both L.L.
  5. Sensory Level at umbilicus.
  6. no cranial nerve affection.

4 Spinal:
v      Not Cortical: Rare, Need parasagittal lesion, no coma convulsion or aphasia.
v      Not brainstem: no affection of Resp. Center, no Cranial N. involvement, need lesion in midline to affect L.L which is medial and no bladder dysfunction.

4 Focal: Level .
4 Compression: No history of fever (inflammation), +Ve history of trauma.
4 Extramedullary:
v      Sensory Level.
v      Asymmetrical Power, reflexes.
v      Girdle pain.
v      No Sphincteric affection.

4 Level of T10:
v      History: girdle pain, exploration at T7.
v      Sensory level at T10.
v      Abdominal Reflex lost at T10.
v      Vertebral :scar.

4 Spastic Stage:
v      Hypertonia
v      Hyperreflexia

4 Extension: Patient's  Position.

4 N.B
Inflammatory paraplegia differs from traumatic one in the following :
  1. Fever at the onset.
  2. Regressive course.
  3. Corticosteroids in TTT.
4 N.B: Retention of urine may occur at the onset  of acute lesions.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis
4 Personal history
مصيلحي male pt., 47 years old, from Abu-Kabir, married and has 4 off springs. He is mild cigarette smoker, he used to smoke 10 cigarettes per day for 10  years, with no other special habit of medical importance .He is  Rt. handed.

4 c/o
His complaint is pain in both hands, 10 years duration.

            The condition started 10 years ago by gradual onset and progressive course of pain which increase in early morning and decrease gradually with exercise, associated with stiffness that last for more than one hour & gradually resolves. The patient developed marked hand and foot  deformities with loss of normal joint function in both upper and lower limbs.

No symptoms suggesting CVS manifestations.
No symptoms suugesting chest manifestations.
No symptoms suggesting Neurological or ocular manifestations.
No symptoms suggesting anaemia.
No symptoms suggesting renal affection.

4 Past history
            No drugs, operation, disease (DM, HPN).

4 Family history
-          No consanguinity.
-          No similar condition in family.
-          No common disease in family.

4 General exam
-          The patient is fully conscious, well oriented for time, place and person. Average mood and memory. The patient is co-operative with average intelligence.
-          Temperature: 37.2o c.
-          Bl. Pressure: 130/80.
-          Resp. Rate: 16/minute, regular, average depth, abdomino-thoracic.
-          Pulse: Regular, 72 beat/minute, average volume, no special character, equal on both sides, intact peripheral pulsation, vessel wall is not felt, no radiofemoral delay.
-          The patient looks well, average built, no cyanosis, pallor or jaundice. He is lying free flat comfortable in bed.
-          Head & Neck :joint exam (see later).
-          Upper limb: No palmer erythema+ complete joint exam (see later).
-          Lower Limb: No L.L. edema + complete joint exam (see later).

4 Local exam (peripheral joints):

4 By Inspection_
1)     Deformities
Big joints: in the form of flexion deformity in both elbows .
Small joints are affected in the form of:
§   Rt. Hand: flexion deformity at MCP joint , Fusiform deformity in the middle finger, flexion deformity at PIP joint  in the little finger.
§   Lt. hand: Ulnar deviation of fingers at MCP joint , Swan neck deformity in index, subluxation at PIP joint in the middle finger, fusiform deformity at PIP joint  in ring finger, flexion deformity at MCP joint  in the little finger.
§    Both Feet: shows flexion deformity at PIP joints.
2)     Wasting
UL: There is bilateral wasting with guttering specially in the right hand. Both thenar eminences show flattening.
LL: medial aspects of both thighs show loss of muscle bulk.

4 By Palpation__
- Synovium isn't felt by rolling.
- Both elbows and middle finger of Rt. Hand show subluxation.
- Mild tenderness at wrist, MCP, PIP.
- Coarse Crepitus in both elbows and knees.

4 By inspection & Palpation__
­          Skin : no erythema, no palmar erythema, no psoriasis, no nail pitting, no scars, no warmth.

­          Swellings: no evidence of bursopathy, no thickened synovium, no osteophytes, no S.C nodules, no PIP, MCP, wrist  or knee effusions.

­          Range of movement :
·         UL: Limitation of movement in both sides at all direction of movements both actively and passively:
vFingers: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, opposition, hand grip.
vWrist: ulnar and radial deviation, flexion and extention.
vElbow: extension and flexion.
·         LL: normal range of movement .

4 Local exam (cervical and lumber vertebral column):
4 By Inspection_
No deformity, no limitation of movement (flexion, extension, medial and lateral rotation, right and left tilting).

4 By palpation
No tenderness over cervical or lumber spines

4 Local exam (special joints):
Temperomandibular joint:
­          Inspetion: no erythema, normal range of movement
­          Palpation : no displacement, no crepitus.

Sacroiliac joint :
No evidence of sacroiliitis.

4 Other Systems
1)     CVS: search for cardiomyopathy (Systemic congestion),pericardial effusion.
2)     Neuro: search for Entrapment neuropathy, atlanto-axial subluxation.
3)     Hematological: anemia or may be pancytopenia.
4)     Chest: search for pleural effusion, fibrosis, caplan's syndrome .
5)     Renal: search for nephrotic syndrome, CRF .
6)     Ocular: scleritis ,Sjogren's syndrome.
7)     Others: myopathy ,muscle wasting ,HSM.

4 Investigation
1)     CBC, ESR, CRP, RF.
2)     X-Ray for hands and feet.
3)     Synovial fluid analysis.

4 Treatment
1)     Anti-inflammatory: NSAIDs (aspirin, indomethacin, diclofenac, ….), Steroids.
2)     Disease-modifying drugs: Gold, D-penicillamine, Chloroquine, sulphasalazine, levamisol.
3)     Immuno-suppressive drugs: Azathioprine, methotrexate
4)     Other measure: intra-articular injection of cortisone, surgical (arthroplasty, arthrodesis)
4 Diagnosis :

A case of polyarthritis for D.D most probably Rheumatoid Arthritis

v Why Rheumatoid ?
-          Bilateral & symmetrical.
-          Affecting small peripheral joints with sparing of DIP.
-          Deformities.

v Diagnosis of R.A. (American Rheumatoid Association):
1.       Morning stiffness more than 1 hour.
2.       soft tissue swelling of 3 or more joints.
3.       S.C nodules.
4.       Swelling of PIP, MCP, or Wrists.
5.       Symmetrical swelling of joint areas.
6.       X-ray à erosion or osteopenia in hand or wrist.
7.       R.F. is +ve.