Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pupillary light reflex test


Pupillary light reflex test

Aim: to test all parts of the reflex pathway especially the function of the retina & optic nerve.


1)- Must be done in dark room

2)-Place the patient's right hand vertically over the nose & foreheadàto avoid stimulation of the pupil of the other eye by direct light

3)-Apply the source of light close to the patient's left eye using your right hand

4)-Observe miosis in the same eye(direct light reflex) & in the other eye(Indirect light reflex)

5)-The same steps are done for the other eye(use your left hand for the patient's right eye)


*The light reflex is intact directly & indirectly in both eyes(in normal persons)

Oral questions:

*Pathway of the papillary light reflex

*Pupil(Causes of miosis & mydriasis, abnormal papillary reactions)

*Visual pathway


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